Friday Check-In (Chicken): Turning and Re-Turning

Hello, Friday! It’s good to see you again. I missed the Check-In (Chicken) last week, so I’m going to practice breathing and re-turning to this practice. Breathing and turning – and re-turning. Breathing, and turning again to this practice of checking in (chickening) on my week. Breathing, and turning again to see brilliant colors emerging …

Storytime: Persephone Speaks

Joy here. I promised you a story – so here it is. These are Persephone’s musings on her yearly descent into Hades. It hurts, this waiting, oh, it hurts. I know that the Change comes. I know it approaches. I am ready to pick the flower, look into the mirrored pool, and descend. Go down, …

Friday Check-In (Chicken) and Thinking About Stories

Hello, Friday! You took forever to get here this week, and I’m not sure why. But you are here now, so we are going to Check-In (Chicken). But first! We’re going to talk a little bit about stories. Because I? Adore stories. Ever since my Grandmother gave me my first book of Greek mythology and read …

What’s in a Name: Joy

Joy is not the name on my birth certificate. However, in many ways, it feels more real, more accurate than the name that is on my birth certificate. The practice of taking a spiritual or magickal name is not unique to modern pagan/neopagan traditions. My friends in the ISKCON (Krishna consciousness) community are given a …